Thursday, October 6, 2011


Sorry, I haven't written in a while.  We just spent our last week without phone and internet service...that was fun!  I'm so glad to be connected again!

Last weekend we took the kids to Legoland.  When we first found out that we might be coming to England, one of the first things we did was show the kids what they might see in England...and the place that excited them the most was Legoland.  Friday night, we drove down to Windsor, which is about 2 and a half hours away.  We then got up early and went to breakfast at the McDonalds just outside Windsor Castle (which I will definitely have to come back to see).  Then we were off to Legoland.

It was a wonderful day.  The whole park is set up for 3-10 year olds.  So all the kids could ride everything.  We started our day at the Atantis submarine ride which is their newest ride at Legoland.  We got to go in a Lego submarine with windows on the bottom to see sharks, stingrays and fish up close.

 The kids also earned their "Drivers Licenses" by driving through a small traffic school course.  It was fun watching the kids drive on the left side of the road, and going around roundabouts.  Too cute.

The children were all really brave and went on some larger rides this time, including the Dragon rollercoaster and the Pirates Falls log flume ride.  We had to buy the picture because the visible fear on the kids faces was priceless.  They all walked away thrilled, despite their momentary terror.

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