Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Life - New Do

I've been wanting a haircut for months.  Last Wednesday, I had a day with no commitments, so I decided to spend the day in the mall and while I was there I finally got my haircut.  It's been quite a while, and I was feeling particularly brave that day, so I decided to get it cut shorter than I every have before!  My hair comes down to my chin in the front and is shortened with layers in the back so that the hairs on the bottom in the back are only an inch-or-so long!  I've noticed that it's a pretty popular hair style hear in England...not sure if it is in America.  The funny thing is that not many people have curly hair here in Derby, so though it's a common haircut, my hair is still different.  Cutting so much off  really made my hair curlier too!

So far I love it, it's fun to reinvent my look after so long!

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