Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Comforts of Home

Yesderday our second shipment came, the one that was shipped by sea.  Some 60 boxes or so were delivered and many unpacked from the boxes, though that doesn't mean that things were put away.  I spent most of my day putting kitchen items into cupboards.  One of my favorite things to see was the box with all the jams my Mom made for us. It's really nice to have all of our things with us now, though I must admit that we packed too much. I've realized this after living for 2 and a half weeks without all these things. Oh well, it was hard to know what we'd need here. 

I'm excited to have all of my craft things again.  Though it's going to be quite a job organizing them here.  The room that I'm currently planning on using for my crafting is about a quarter of the size of my old craft room at home.  Oh, I was so spoiled.  We'll see how it goes.

I know that many of you parents in Burnt Hills are starting school this week. We hope that everything goes smoothly and all the kids transition smoothly into their routines.  We'll be thinking of you!

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