Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Car for Mummy

By the way, my name is going to change in England...I'm no longer Mom, I'm Mum. I haven't noticed it yet with the kids, but I know it's coming. On the same day that the kids started school, we got our new car. This car is a change of plans from the Toyota Verso that I showed you earlier in the Blog. When we went to sign up to rent the Verso, we got a bad vibe from the Toyota people. They just didn't seem to be too interested in our business. It was a subtle feeling, but since then I've had it confirmed by some other Americans.

So we started investigating Fords. And we actually ended up with a really awesome car. I must tell you that cars here do not look the same as at home. The Fords that we had to choose from have different names and different appearances from the Fords at home. And that's true of most other car companies. It's kind of weird, but I guess each company has to cater the styles and preferences of each individual culture. So we ended up with the Ford Grand C-Max Titanium, the Titanium part means it's got all the bells and whistles! Can you hear me squeeling with excitement? OK, this car has more high tech features than I can comprehend. The big feature that sold us on it is that it has sliding doors. It's the only Ford that does, none of the Toyotas did, and it's really rare in the UK to have sliding doors. Since parking spots are so tight here though, it's a very nice feature...especially with young children opening the doors.

I've been doing better with the driving.  Every day I get more comfortable both driving a standard and navigating the roads.  I'm not sure I'll ever understand the logic of some of the road signs though.   For those of you who come to visit, you'll see what I mean. 

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