Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cross Country

The very first weekend after school started, the boys school holds a cross country race for the boys to have some fun competition, physical activity, and also for the boys and their families to get to know each other. It's a really great idea, and it was a very fun morning for Avery. It started with a long cross country race for various age groups, and then later, a series of tug-of-war battles.

I need to take a step back and explain how both the girls and boys school are structured. All you Harry Potter fans will love this. The schools go all the way up through high school age and are divided into houses, 4 houses in each school. Mia is in St. Patrick's House and Avery is in Atkinson house. And just like in Harry Potter, the houses compete for points through the school's activities. So for Avery, this competition was his first opportunity for him to earn points for his house.

Avery is still battling a pretty bad cough, so we weren't sure how well he would do in the run, even though in general he's a pretty good runner.  We were happy that he placed 15th among the 5th and 6th year boys, especially since this was his first time and he's the youngest of the group.

Then came the Tug of War.  Unfortunately, his team wasn't so successful in the rounds that he participated in, but he had a lot of fun trying.  I think I recall the results being that Atkinson house won the Cross Country race for the Senior Boys, and came in 2nd for the Junior boys.  I think they placed 3rd and 4th in the Tug of War.  Overall, it was a fun morning and great to see the entire student body in one location.  I guess there is a lot of comradery even between the Senior boys and the Junior boys.  They all meet in an assembly each morning together, and since the school is fairly small, the boys get to know a lot of each others names.  Avery was excited that the Head Boy of Atkinson house spoke at the Assembly on Monday and told the whole school that his house was going to win the House Cup. 

I couldn't leave you without a picture of Avery's loyal fans at the field day. The girls had fun at the event too, because there were lots of sisters of the boys at the event as well, most of whom go to their school. 

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