Thursday, October 27, 2011

Saturday in Rome

Saturday was reserved for Vatican City.  First we went over to St. Peter's Square, and then walked over to the Vatican Museum, which consumed most of our day.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to see St. Peter's Basilica.  The thing I wanted to see most was the Sistine Chapel and we managed to accomplish that at the end of our tour through the Museum.  Mission Accomplished!
The view from within Saint Peter's Square.
Waiting in line for the Vatican Museum with Alexa.

We all used an Audio Tour for the Museum.  The kids had a special one that was at their level.  They had a lot of fun trying to find the artwork on their map.
A cast of Michelangelo's Pieta, located in the Vatican museum.  The original is in Saint Peter's Basilica.

The kids really enjoyed the Egyptian portion of the museum.
On our way to the Sistine Chapel we walked through an interesting hallway of painted maps. 

I didn't take this photo of the Sistine Chapel because we weren't allowed to take pictures.  Your not allowed to talk in the Chapel either, but there was always a murmer present.  It was beautiful.  You could spend your whole day in there looking at the artwork, mainly scenes from the life of Moses and Jesus.  Unfortunately, you are encouraged to keep moving through, so we were only there for about 10 minutes.  I had to buy a book to get a better look at all the paintings.
Avery descending on the huge spiral staircase as we left the museum.

While in Italy, just about every night Mia wanted Margherita Pizza for dinner.  This night was no exception!

The next morning we got up early to fly back to England.  We packed a lot into this trip, so we were all quite exhausted and happy to get home.  The kids still had another week left of vacation, so we were looking forward to a less busy time at home.

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