Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday in Rome

Thursday was our driving day to Rome, and then Friday and Saturday were reserved for pure site seeing.  We went to many of the typical tourist attractions, though of course it was impossible to see it all.  Friday, we walked all over the city to see the outdoor sites...Collosseum, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, etc.  The Collosseum and Roman Forum were closed for unexplained reasons, which was pretty disappointing, but at least we could view them from the outside.  I was totally amazed at how much walking and waiting our children were able to do over the course of the weekend and still remain in good spirits.
 In front of the Collosseum.
 The Roman Forum, a plaza filled with ruins of the Rome marketplace where many government buildings were located. 
Inside the Basilica of Santa Maria Nova, a church near the Roman Forum where we paused to see the building and also revisit the map.
Outside the Pantheon.
In front of the Trevi Fountain.

Mia took this photo of Sean and I in front of the Trevi Fountain. Good Job Mia!

Sitting on the Spanish steps at the end of a long day.
The Spanish Steps were a resting place for many.

Alexa loves her gelato!  It was a nice treat most days in Italy.

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