Monday, October 24, 2011

Afternoon in London

Since last Sunday we were flying out of the London Stanted airport for our European vacation, we drove down towards London and caught a train into London for the afternoon.  The first thing we saw when we left the train station was the Clock Tower that holds Big Ben, part of the House of Parliament.

Then we wandered over to the London Eye, and were happy to have our Merlin Passes with us so we could skip the ticket line and ride for "free".  The London Eye is a gigantic ferris wheel that has enclosed glass capsules for people to stand in.

We grabbed some food and then went to the Aquarium, another place included on our Merlin Passes.  The aquarium was a very dark place, so not many of my pictures came out good.  We had a great time there, especially seeing the sharks, turtles, sting rays, and penguins.
Later, we rode a very crowded subway and then a train back to our hotel...early to bed so we could get up early for our Germany flight!  Many more sites to see in London, so we'll have to return.

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