Sunday, August 28, 2011

Warwick Castle

We went to our first castle together this past Saturday...Warwick Castle.  This castle property dates back to as early as 914 A.D. as a wood and dirt castle, the stone castle was built later in the 12 th century. We had a nice day, dodging brief showers here and there with bursts of warm sun in between.  Warwick Castle is now a bit of a themed amusement park with warrior duels, bird shows, period vendors, museums, a princess tower, catapult demonstrations, and jousting events.  It has an interesting, but complicated history that includes Henry VIII a very noteworthy character in English history.  

 Above is a view of the castle from the outside.
 Above is a view of the inside of the castle walls.  You can climb staircases from within the walls to the top and walk around the tops of the walls and climb to the tops of the towers.  We climbed a lot of stairs on Saturday and captured some amazing views.
 A picture of what's called "the mound" from the inside of the castle.
 Here's Alexa in the Great Hall next to an exhibit of a "knight in shining armor."
As a mother of 3 children who at times can be difficult, I wonder how many mothers would like to have one of these in their homes for those difficult times :-).

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