Friday, August 19, 2011

Safe Arrival

I just want to let everyone know that we arrived safely this morning.  The flight went smoothly and on-time.  We're all adjusting to the time difference in our own way.  Hopefully we'll get a good night sleep and feel better tomorrow.  It's a little bit stressful right now as we figure out our transportation and get food and supplies that we need while taking care of sleepy, cranky, and hungry kids.  Please pray that we will get everything under control tomorrow. 


  1. Hope you have well-deserved, restful sleep! Speak soon! love, nic

  2. Lucas got to bed around 9 30 on Thursday night. I said lets say a prayer for Avery and his family since they were flying to England. He said that is a great idea.
    Glad to hear you got there safely.
    PD and Lucas

  3. Thinking of you guys...and praying for a gentle adjustment time... Love, Missy
