Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 2

Today we relaxed in the morning, let the kids sleep in, and then later went out to run some errands.  Our first stop was Best Buy where we were pleasantly surprised that they had free facepainting there today.  The girls were thrilled, but Avery was happier just playing games on the Demo Iphones instead.  From there we went to a couple other stores and then got a few more groceries.

The grocery store is still an interesting place for me.  We usually find something there that is quite comical.  Today it was cheese.  We went to the deli counter to order lunchmeat, just like in the States, though in the UK it's sold in grams instead of pounds.  A good conversion estimate is 400g per pound I guess.  So we ordered our lunchmeat sliced thinly, and then went down to the other end of the counter to get some cheese.  Sean ordered the amount we wanted and the woman behind the counter took a square block of mild cheddar cheese and cut it in half.  He then asked her to slice it for us and she looked at us like we had 3 heads and said," we don't slice cheese."  Interesting.  We didn't have time to look around to see if there is any prepackaged sliced cheese, but I'll have to check that out next time.  For now we'll have to just cut our own cheese!  OK, I'm laughing way to hard at that last sentence!

We finished our day at our friends' house, Ed and Marcia's, where we enjoyed a nice spaguetti dinner and some comforting conversation with some fellow Americans. 

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