Monday, August 15, 2011

Saying Goodbye

I can't believe the week of our move has finally arrived. It's been a sad few weeks as we've been saying "goodbye" to so many of our friends and family.  Today was a tough one, as it was our last day at our church.  We were so blessed to see so many of our friends there.  What's making it a lot easier for me is that we will be home for Christmas, and that's not really too far away.  A few months seems so much shorter than 2 years. 

Our plans are to come home at least once a year, perhaps twice.  Fortunately, Sean's sister is coming to visit in November, we'll be home for Christmas, then we hope to have both Sean's and my parents visit in March and April. We would love for friends to visit too!

I'm sure the time will fly by.  I'm really looking forward to staying connected with all of you through this blog.  Please comment on the blog or stay in touch with email.  We are so blessed with technology that can allow us to so easily and affordably stay in touch with each other. 

We will miss all of you so much!  Well, I'd better get some sleep, the movers come tomorrow and we fly out Thursday afternoon.  It'll be interesting to see how the kids adjust to the time delay.  I'll keep you posted!

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