Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Home Away from Home

I'm excited to say that we are now moved into our house! We arrived yesterday morning and our air shipment did as well. We have most of our clothes, many of the kids' toys and some of my kitchen stuff. We'll be eating off of paper plates until our sea shipment arrives, but it's worth it to have a real home. I can't even put into words how great it felt yesterday to have a full house to live in again.  It was so exciting, I can't wait to show this house to those of you who will visit.  I'm ready...who's going to be the first to come for tea? I'll do my best to look for travel deals and pass those along.

The kids start school tomorrow, so I have lots to do today to get ready....we still have uniform stuff to get.  It's my first time with uniforms so it's an adjustment for me.  But at least I don't have to buy other school supplies on top of expensive uniforms.

I gotta run, but here's a few photos of the house...

Avery in heis new room.  They're all pretty feminine rooms, this is the least femine and one of the bigger rooms as well.

 The girls had lot's of fun decorating their room yesterday.  Stuffed animals completely cover the windowsill.
 Here's the kitchen.  I love the side table...the plan right now is for the side table to be our "office" so I can use the office as my craft room.
Here's the living room with a new TV that Sean requested.  The furniture is really comfy.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so put together- it's amazing how much you accomplished in one move in day! Good luck with the challenges over the next couple of weeks....all will fall into place eventually and this will feel like "home". I'm so excited to visit you guys!
