Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chatsworth Farmyard & Adventure Playground

Chatsworth is closed this time of year, but they did open up their Farmyard and Adventure Playground just for the Half Term Break.  I took the kids up there for an afternoon, and we had a fabulous time meeting the farm animals, learning about how they shoe the horses, doing crafts and playing on the fabulous playground.

Avery meeting some baby lambs.

Alexa holding a guinea pig named "Star."
The girls enjoyed some crafting...making birdfeeders out of pine cones.

The kids could spend hours just in this section of the playground.  There is a large sandy area, with a hand operated pump that brings water up from a stream and through a series of valves that the kids can operate.  The water eventually is released into the sand where the kids can dig channels for the water to flow.  Here Avery is operating one of the diggers, one of his favorite things to do.

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