Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring is here!

This past week, we've been enjoying the blooms of crocuses that are planted in patches of public grass around town.  It's quite a lovely site.  And we can see the daffodil buds about ready to pop soon in the next week or 2.  Yesterday, I saw 4 convertibles with their tops down!  Not typical for a New Yorker, but i've heard that this is what usually happens here in Derby.  Flowers start blooming in late February.  We've had some really mild weather in the 50s these last 2 weeks, with some periods of nice warm sunshine.  I hope it lasts, though it looks like we'll be back into the 40s again next week.

Here are the kids standing amongst the crocuses after I picked them up from school...happy that it's Friday!

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