Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snow Day

We got our first snowfall of the year on a Saturday night...if it had been on a Sunday night the kids would have missed a day from school.  Though I must say that if the snow clean up continues at this pace, they may not go to school tomorrow...It's now a bout 15 hours after the snow finished falling and we have not yet seen a plow, I don't think one is coming.  So now it's up to the sun to do the job. We got about 4 or 5 inches and I do see it thinning on the tops of the rooftops. 

It was so pretty last night watching the snow fall.  I was really missing it...not that I'm a big fan of snow, but it does make it feel like winter and the sight of snow falling is both beautiful and peaceful.  I was worried that we'd make it through the whole winter without seeing any.

Today was supposed to be my first day attempting to sing at church.  There was going to be a rehearsal at 8:45, so I cleaned my car off and drove up the hill of my road towards the main road.  Unfortunately, I couldn't make it onto the main road.  The car just couldn't do it.  So after about 8 attempts or so, I backed up down my road into my driveway and decided to stay in for the day.  It wouldn't have mattered to me so much, since I love snuggling up on these kinds of days, but I do miss singing in a band so much and it's been 6 months...

The kids have had a lot of fun playing in the white stuff, so I do have some photos and a video to share. They're still using the trampoline even with snow on it, and doing the usual, snow angels, snow balls, etc.

Hope you are all staying warm! 

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