Tuesday, February 21, 2012

London - Day 4 (British Museum)

Our last day was spent at the British Museum which has an amazing variety of collections.  I thought that the Parthenon exhibit was really interesting.  Huge portions of the Parthenon were brought to England after an explosion damaged much of the Parthenon.  
There were also lots of Egyptian sculpture and artifacts.
We also got to see the Rosetta Stone, which translates Egyptian Heiroglyphs into Greek and is dated at 196 BC.  The top portion is Heiroglyphic, the middle portion is demotic (a native script), and the bottom portion is in Greek (the language of the administration).
After the British Museum, we made our way back to our car via the tube and headed home to enjoy the remainder of our holiday week in relaxation (at least for me and the kids). 

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