Thursday, January 5, 2012


After 4 months apart, Cooper is finally back with us.  The UK had a law that dogs weren't allowed into the country until 7 months after they've received a new Rabies vaccine.  Since we only found out that we were coming to the UK in the spring of 2011, not enough time had passed for Cooper to move with us in August.  Cooper spent 4 months living with our parents and at Christmas we were finally able to reunite with him and bring him with us back to the UK.

Cooper is settling in just fine.  I'm sure the plane ride was traumatic for him, but once he saw us he was happy again.  Since he sleeps so much anyway, I don't think the jet lag was a problem for him.  He's been enjoying a relaxed life here with some adventure in the walks that we take.  In the picture above, he is partaking in one of his favorite pastimes, listening to Mia read.  When Cooper was a puppy, Mia used to read to him when he was in his crate.  And now, almost 4 years later he still loves to be near her when she reads.

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