Monday, January 30, 2012

Carsington Water

This past Saturday, we went to a local water reservoir called Carsington Water.  There are no natural lakes in Derbyshire, all that exist have been manufactured by damming water to collect in Reservoirs.  This reservoir has a nice biking/walking path around it and also serves as a wildlife preserve for birds in the area. There were several outposts to quietly watch birds.  My kids really loved watching dozens of these small birds eating at a birdfeeder.  I can't believe how quiet they were!

  We saw a few sheep and this ram as well, not uncommon in Derbyshire.

At the end of our walk, we found a picnic table outside the visitor centre to eat our lunch at.  Tangy Cheese Doritos and yummy peanut butter and jelly...a sandwich that British people would never eat!  They're not big on peanut butter here.

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