Saturday, July 16, 2011

Impressions of the Food

So far, I like the food in the UK.  Of course there a few things that I don't really care for, but I am pleased with the variety of things that we've been able to try.  An interesting thing about food in UK is that there are very few preservatives.  Though this may require me to shop more frequently for food, it so far seems to make the food taste much better.  Also, we've found that dairy and bread products also taste much better.  While this also may be a result of fewer preservatives, we've been told that the dairy products are likely better due to the fact that the cows are only grass fed here, instead of corn-fed in the US.  This also makes the beef taste different as well.  I could notice a difference in a hamburger that I had the other day. 

A few words about restaurants.  We haven't eaten in a "restaurant" yet.  We've only eaten in pubs.  Pretty much all pubs serve food in the UK and their much more casual than a restaurant, and usually more affordabble as well.  When you go into a pub, you usually seat yourself and order your food and drinks at the bar.  You don't have a waitress/server, though someone from the kitchen or bar will bring your food to you when your food is ready and also clear your table.  You don't have to pay a tip in a pub either, another thing making the meal more affordable.  So far most meals are 5-7 pounds which is about $7-$10 for really good quality food.

Another interesting thing about UK food is that most Pubs have at least one Indian dish on their menu.  These are referred to as "Curry" dishes.  The one that I tried a couple days ago was fantastic, though I would imagine that some Pubs have better curry than others.   Since Sean, Mia and I all love Indian food, this is really awesome.  I told Mia, who is also known as the "Macaroni and Cheese Conoseur", that she will have to become the "Curry Conoseur"...she can try a different curry wherever we go out to eat.

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