Saturday, July 23, 2011

Edensor Village

On our way back from Chatsworth we visited the small village of Edensor (pronounced Enzor).  This small village is within the Chatsworth grounds.  It's really interesting that the village used to be closer to the house, but when the 4th Duke of Devonshire chose to recreate the landscape of the property, he wanted to move the village so that it wouldn't be within view of the house.  Since many of the villagers were reluctant to move, he built them new homes on the other side of the River Dewent in the new village....must be nice. This Duke totally recreated the landscape, moving earth, planting trees, changed the course of the river, taking 8 years to complete in the mid-1700s.

All of these stone homes were so cute, nestled together on a hill, with beautiful gardens surrounding them.  As you enter the village, the first thing you see is the village chapel.  The homes then circle around a beautiful meadow in the center of town, actually above the level of most of the houses.  We climbed a staircase between 2 of the houses to get up into the meadow.  There we found a few sheep grazing and a beautiful view of the village rooftops.

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