Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in the UK

Last year we chose not to participate in Halloween here because we didn't know what it was like.  We stayed home to hand out candy and only had 2 trick-or-treaters.  The kids don't have school during the week of Halloween, so there's no celebration at school.  In general, we've discovered that trick-or-treating is not as common here, by some it is considered begging.  Many people choose not to participate due to religious reasons, but an even more common viewpoint is that it is "American" tradition and they don't want to succumb to the commercialism.  That being said, there are a few people that choose to participate in trick-or-treating.  The grocery stores have halloween costumes for sale (much cheaper than in the US), but all the costumes that I've seen are of the scary and bloody princesses or cartoon characters here.  Though some would say that the traditions of Halloween are American, I would say that the way the British celebrate it is very different from America. 

We were encouraged to try trick-or-treating by a few people this year who said that their housing developments participated.  The girls wanted to dress up and we were invited to a friends house in one of these developments.  The children had a lot of fun, but if you're used to trick or treating in the was a bit sad.  I would guess that about 10% of the houses had candy for the kids.  Because so few people participate, the way to know for sure who is hospitable is to look for a jack-o-lantern in the window.

I have to say that Halloween isn't my favorite holiday...the resentment that the British have of the commercialism of it all is shared by me to some extent.  But being here, and seeing how it is done differently, has helped me to appreciate what is good about this "American" tradition.  I love that Halloween is an excuse to get dressed up in costume.   I love that trick-or-treating is a reason for us to interact with our neighbors.  We are all caught up in our busy lives, how nice it is to go around and see all of our neighbors once a year.  I totally recognize the religious reasons to object to Halloween, though I choose to see the holiday not as a celebration of evil, but a seasonal community tradition with a bit of spookiness mixed in.

I'm so glad we got out to try trick-or-treating here.  It has helped me gain perspective and appreciation for our own celebrations at home. We had a lovely evening with friends tonight.  We were sprayed with mist while we walked, so we came back to our friends' house for a hot cup of tea and the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin video. Celebrating time together with friends and family....a good old American tradition. Happy Halloween everyone!

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