Saturday, July 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Alexa!

 Last Wednesday we celebrated Alexa's birthday. Our baby girl is 6 years old! Alexa insisted on having a water themed party, despite the fact that it's been so cold and rainy here in England lately. So we went ahead and planned a "Splish Splash" party and hoped for good weather. And.....we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day! It wasn't hot, but it was in the mid 60s and sunny. Alexa had 4 girls come over and they played on a slip 'n slide, the trampoline, had fun with water balloons, bubbles, and wet sponges all afternoon. All the girls had a wonderful time...especially when they figured out that they could make foam with the bubble solution, water and sponges and decided to cover the trampoline with foamy soap!

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