Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Project Completed!

Before I left for England I took a look at the huge pile of Volleyball jerseys I've collected over the years and decided that I wanted to make a T-Shirt Quilt.  So I cut the backs and some fronts off my shirts and moved them to England.  This Spring I finally got around to completing the project.  It only took me a couple of months.  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, but I'm not exactly sure hwat we'll do with it!  It could be a picnic blanket, but I'm not sure I'm ready to get it dirty yet...
Anyway, so I got on of my projects done.  Next....use up as much scrapbooking supplies as possible so that I don't bring many craft supplies home next year.  I'm also considering making some tea cozies (keep the tea in the tea pot warm)....

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