Friday, June 29, 2012

Olympic Torch Relay

We were so excited tonight to see the Olympic Torch pass through Derby.  One of our friends has a house that was right on the route for the relay.  We shared a wonderful meal with friends and then watched the torch go by in front of her house in a festive community atmosphere.  This was a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Getting ready for the torch to come!

Some really excited girls!

 The torch arrives....goes by so quick!
 Darley Abbey Park
The kids got to pose with one of the torch bearers.  A really special moment.
Pictures from the "Follow the Light" parade that followed the torch out of the park and back to the Derby City Center.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Diamond Jubilee

In early June, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth celebrated Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee, that's 60 years as Queen.  It was a really special weekend with lots of festivities that we were able to watch on TV.  The country was alive with royal spirit and patriotism.  It's been really nice seeing all the Union Jack flags everywhere.  Our street had a "street party" which was a great opportunity for us to socialize with our neighbors, who usually stay to themselves. 

We spent our morning making Union Jack Cupcakes to share.
The girls had the most fun painting faces at the party.  They even painted the faces of most adults at the party.  So funny how our little american girls painted the UK flag on everyone's faces!

 Great job Alexa!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Haddon Hall

On one of our Tuesday outings, the American ladies visited Haddon Hall.  It happened to be a lovely day...sunny, mid 60s, very comfortable and pleasant.  Haddon Hall is near the town of Bakewell about an hour north of where we live.  The interesting thing is that Haddon Hall has been the location for many, many films.  Here's the description from their website:

Described by Simon Jenkins in “1000 Best Houses” as “the most romantic house to survive from the middle ages”. Set in the heart of the beautiful Peak District National Park, parts of the house date from the 12th Century, sitting like a jewel in its Elizabethan terraced gardens, and overlooking the River Wye.

Film-makers flock to Haddon Hall to use it as a location. The house and grounds have played host to no less than three versions of “Jane Eyre”. Screen credits also include "Elizabeth”, "Pride & Prejudice” and “The Other Boleyn Girl”. This year marks the silver jubilee of “The Princess Bride”, the cult classic movie in which Haddon Hall became Humperdinck’s Castle.

Haddon has its own romantic tale - that of Dorothy Vernon’s elopement with John Manners. Little wonder Haddon Hall is recognised as one of the most romantic houses in Britain.
The view from the courtyard.
The spectacular view over the garden wall!
Inside the gardens.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Project Completed!

Before I left for England I took a look at the huge pile of Volleyball jerseys I've collected over the years and decided that I wanted to make a T-Shirt Quilt.  So I cut the backs and some fronts off my shirts and moved them to England.  This Spring I finally got around to completing the project.  It only took me a couple of months.  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, but I'm not exactly sure hwat we'll do with it!  It could be a picnic blanket, but I'm not sure I'm ready to get it dirty yet...
Anyway, so I got on of my projects done.  Next....use up as much scrapbooking supplies as possible so that I don't bring many craft supplies home next year.  I'm also considering making some tea cozies (keep the tea in the tea pot warm)....

Friday, June 1, 2012

Chatsworth with the Belangers

We take all our visitors to Chatworth.  We had a beautiful Monday to tour the house and gardens.