Friday, April 20, 2012

Palma de Mallorca

Earlier in the week we spent a few hours in Palma but hadn't gotten to see as much as we wanted. So on our last morning, we checked out of the resort and headed back to Palma, a lovely city that I'm told resembles Barcelona.  There we enjoyed the beautiful scenery, shopping in the charming alleyways, and took a tour of the amazing Cathedral. 

In front of the La Seu Cathedral, a Gothic Roman Catholic Cathedral built in 1229 (finished in 1601) on the site of a pre-existing Arab Mosque.

 The enormous stained glass window that 2 days each year projects colors on the opposing wall of the cathedral.

The kids at the harbor in Palma. 

Our last day in Palma was just delightful.  We spent 6 days in Mallorca and got a well deserved break from our routine and some wonderful relaxation.  

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