Saturday, November 26, 2011


I'm so proud of Avery learning to play Rugby.  He started off on the "B" team, as he is just a beginner, and has worked his way up to being on the "A" team of the U11 boys....he just turns 9 in 2 weeks!  He really loves playing.  He's gotten most of his thrills by being aggressive at tackling, but has scored for his team as well.  Since moving up to the higher level, he hasn't been quite as successful but that's to be expected.  He's probably the skinniest kid out there!
I think playing Rugby has really toughened Avery up.  There are no tears when he gets tackled, stepped on, or knocked heads.  You know, I really was hoping that I would never be a Football (American) mom because of all the violence, but now I'm letting him play Rugby?  With almost no protective equipment? 

It's fun to see him learning and being active.  He has games once or twice a week and they're usually during school hours (2:30-3:30).  He gets to represent his school, which is definitely different than in the US.  He's got a few more weeks left of Rugby and then after Christmas they switch to American terms it's called Field Hockey.  Keep in mind, it doesn't snow much here, so they play outdoor sports all year round.  And then in the Spring, he'll be playing Cricket.  All sports that he wouldn't have been exposed to in the US...all the better for Avery!

Pray for no concussions!

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