Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Latest Developments

We were really excited that Avery gets to be a Prefect for his house at school this term.  This is an honor for Year 6 boys only and the responsiblity is usually rotated with each term.  Avery was so happy when he came home from school a couple weeks ago to tell us the news.  Avery's main responsibilities in this role seem to be to act as a role model for the younger boys and encourage them to behave appropriately...the main thing he seems to mention is that he gets to tell the other boys to tuck their shirts in!  He's learning the names of all the new Year 3 boys now.  On Monday, all the Prefects got to meet with the Headmaster to share some biscuits (cookies).
He's excited that he gets to keep his Prefect badge even after his role as Prefect is over.  It will be a nice souvenier of his school days in England.
Last weekend was Alexa's Dance recital.  The theme of her show was "Divas".  Though we weren't allowed to take photos during the performance (the UK is pretty strict about that kind of stuff), we were able to take a photo of her before her performances backstage.

 Alexa before her "Locomotion" dance.
Alexa and big brother before "Stop" by the Spice Girls.
Alexa before her "Miss Piggy" dance...too cute!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A New Year at Derby High

OK, with all the craziness of the first day getting all three kids out the door, I failed to get a photo of the girls on their first day.  So here they are on their second day...Mia in her summer uniform, and Alexa in her PE uniform. Oh, how they've grown since last year. 

The girls are very excited about a new year of school.  Something different this year is that there are some new friends from the US that they'll be seeing every day on the playground.  There are 3 new girls from the US, not in their classes years but relatively close in age.  It's a nice change for me too...to not be the only American at the school gate, and I've really enjoyed helping these 2 new families get settled.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Year 6 at the Derby Grammar begins!

Avery was very excited to start his last year at Derby Grammar.  His class of 8 boys from last year has grown to 15 so there is much change to come.  School started on Thursday and on Friday evening the school held it's annual Cross Country.  We were all very excited to see how Avery would perform in the race.  He does love to run, but usually short distances. 

We told Avery to pace himself, to not come out in front right away and burn all his steam early. The race was probably about a half a mile long. Going against everything we told him, Avery took the lead right away, and continued in the lead for quite some time.  There was a moment when one of his clasmates started to pass him on the last lap and Avery got this determined look on his face that was priceless.
Avery continued on, out steaming his opponent and triumphantly finished first in the race!  We were so excited....it was the perfect start to his school year.
 Avery crossing the finish line.
 Avery amazed at his win.
The boys then continued on with the Tug-of-War, which Atkinson house placed 2nd in Year 6.  A very enjoyable evening for the Belangers!