Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas to all!

December was a really busy month for us with all the Christmas celebrations and performances at school, and getting ready to come back to the States for our "Christmas Tour." 

We flew into Newark and spent the night in New Rochelle so that we could go to New York City for a day before driving home.  While in the city, we visited all the popular Christmas places...Rockefeller Plaza, the Lego store, Times Square, The Hershey store, the M&M store, Toys R Us...and then we took the kids to see Mary Poppins on Broadway.  The show was just "brilliant," we all had a fabulous time.

We enjoyed a week in Ballston Spa visiting lots of friends and living with my parents.  It was just wonderful to see so many people.  Now we are enjoying a relaxing time at Sean's sister's house in Vermont.  We were excited to see that lots of beautiful snow had recently covered the area, so we could experience a white Christmas.  It's just not quite the same for us without the white stuff. 
We hope you are all having a joyous Christmas.  We are so excited that so many people are planning on visiting us in England this coming year.  All are welcome, we do have the spare beds to accomodate visitors and we would love you share our experience with you. 

Have a fun Christmas break and happy New Year!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cadbury World

On Saturday we went to see Cadbury World.  I know most American's have heard of Cadbury, especially Cadbury Cream eggs at Easter time.  The Cadbury Company started and still has it's home in Birmingham, UK, and over here there is a whole lot more Cadbury chocolate in the stores.  Way more than eggs, lots of varieties.  There main product line seems to be Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate, which comes in a variety of flavors (various things added to the chocolate i.e. fruit, nuts, caramel, etc.)  I would say that it is a milkier milk chocolate than Hershey's milk chocolate, and it has a different tast for sure. 

So Cadbury world is part museum, part factory tour, part eating chocolate (both candy bars and melted chocolate)!  We all had a very nice time and came home with lots of samples....and a few extra purchases from the huge Cadbury Factory Store.  Yum!